
Bach’s Path: new international piano competition for children and youths

Johann Sebastian Bach was born 333 years ago, an anniversary to be marked by a new piano competition for children and youths. Participants will play works by the composer on a C. Bechstein D 282 concert grand piano.

The new competition focuses on a very special man: the composer Johann Sebastian Bach, born in 1685. Today, 333 years later, the J. S. Bach music school in Dobřany, Czechia, is organizing a piano competition for children and youth, entitled Bach’s Way, and inviting participants aged between nine and seventeen to compete at the first edition in October this year.

The competition will be held from October 29 to 31, 2018, at the Johann Sebastian Bach music school in Dobřany (see photo above).

The participants are to play one or several assigned works by Bach, then one or several elective works by the composer, and finally one work from another era, preferably by a composer from their home country.

The judging panel includes renowned musicians (Igor Ardašev, Bernhard Klapprott, Václav Luks, Petr Šefl) and the competition will be supported by Piotr Anderszewski, Erich Bosgraaf (flute), Ottavio Dantone, Borbála Dobozy, Pierre Hantai (harpsichord), Konstantin Lifschitz, Catherine Mackintosh, Mischa Maisky (cello), Andrea Marcon, Garrick Ohlsson, Roman Rabinowich, Cristopher Czaja Sager (piano), Christine Schornsheim, Gil Shaham, and Pavel Šporcl (violin).

C. Bechstein Europe is an official sponsor of the competition and the young musicians will perform on a C. Bechstein D 282 concert grand piano.

David Kopecký, managing director at C. Bechstein Europe, stated: “We are very pleased to participate in this ambitious project for young international musicians and contribute to their artistic development.”


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